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Manchester trio Nightbus unveil debut single 'Way Past Three'

Introducing Nightbus: a Manchester-based trio who have just released their debut single 'Way Past Three' on So Young Records.

Credit: Kitty Handley

'Way Past Three' delves into atmospheric indie and post-punk sounds that are familiar in the UK, yet with a versatile spin on it that leaves you unsure if it's a song meant for a pin-drop, night-time drive home or the soundtrack to the coloured skies of a sunrise.

It's certainly a hazy, multi-purpose sound that is a clear stamp of identity from Nightbus for their debut release. The bass and lead guitar interact in an addictively haunting manner before the drums and PVA-esque vocals catch you off guard and raise the pace.

The band explain this identity further: "Music that soundtracks the highs or even the lows - essentially music for the night time. Those early hours are and can be quite an exposing time, so we think this is the perfect introduction to Nightbus.”

You can watch the video for 'Way Past Three' below:


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