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  • Luke Miller

Jesus Piece - ...So Unknown

Philadelphia metallic hardcore shamans Jesus Piece are finally back on the scene with their sophomore record ...So Unknown five years after 2018's Only Self.

Our first dose of the record came at the back end of 2022 in the form of "An Offering to the Night" which was paired with the strangely visceral album art of a low-res, seemingly 3D CGI angel. How else to describe it I do not know. The album cycle has embraced this disconcerting imagery reminiscent of some of the computerised, dystopian sci-fi art that Code Orange might have used on their last record Underneath. It fits the sonic aesthetic like a glove.

The record wastes no time getting stuck into its excellent metallic hardcore gut punch. It being precisely one second before we get our first thrash chug on opener "In Constraints" as frontman Aaron Heard opens the record with his signature guttural roar.

Obviously, we are the GROAT so I had to highlight some of the best riffs on this record because it is front-to-back stacked. "FTBS" is constructed entirely of some of the best hardcore riffs of the year featuring a mix of perfectly executed harmonics in the A section and tremolo notes in the B section. This is one that will certainly pop the fuck off live as well with the shouts of "Fuck The Bull Shit". Another of the best riffs on the record comes in the form of "Profane". Its rhythm is at once off-putting and infectious. The same riff gets built on with a harmony guitar adding an extra layer of tension.

Jesus Piece's rhythm section is ridiculously tight on this album, utilising the massive drum hits alongside bass guitar to hit with a brutal low-end punch. This is especially clear on "Stolen Life" as the song gradually builds around the opening riff giving some much-needed room to breathe in the second half of the whirlwind record. And weighing in at just 27 minutes over its 10 tracks it certainly is a whirlwind.

The mixing and production on this album is amazing, achieving a level of clarity that many bands of this ilk often fall short of. The mix is both deafeningly loud and vividly clear. Every downwards chug feels impactful and the guitar leads are never lost in the cacophony. As far as this style of vocals goes the lyrics are refreshingly comprehensible.

This record will be a certified hardcore classic for years to come and I cannot wait to catch the band on form like this live this year.

Jesus Piece hit the stage at Outbreak on the Friday this year.

Check out the record:


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