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CHELJI shares grunge-pop tune 'Made It Past October'

CHELJI has shared a new track called 'Made It Past October' - an anti-climactic, moody grunge-pop masterpiece that draws on emotions such as grief, loss and sobriety.

Born in Birmingham and having lived in the USA for a period of her life, CHELJI's career has taken off in what's a been a second coming of virality.

'Made It Past October' is a fresh take on the type of pop music that will come to define these years, yet it carries a message very personal to CHELJI, reflecting on friends she's lost and her birth month of October a snapshot of both life and death.

The guitar riff sits perfectly in the mix to set the mood, and her vocals are reminiscent of Nessa Barrett, but with a significant punch to it.

We can hope to look forward to a debut project from CHELJI later in the year, but 'Made It Past October' is out now and you can listen here.


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